Men's Bible Study


sunday morning worship 9:30AM with Livestreaming

Bible Studies

Bible studies are a great place for adults to learn and grow in Christ alongside one another. Our current Bible studies are divided into men's and women's groups, which allow men and women to find others they can identify with. Although each study and group is unique, all Bible studies offer time for Bible teaching and/or facilitation, discussion, prayer, conversation and encouragement in a laid-back atmosphere. Having separate men's and women's groups allows for support that you can sometimes find best with those of the same gender. Bible studies often serve as a great place to develop accountability and encourage one another in your daily walk. Bible studies typically meet during the school year and take a break over the summer months. They are open to any adult at any time. Whether you come occasionally or every week, you will be blessed and grow deeper in you faith.

LPC Men’s Fellowship Brunch - Saturday, March 1st

Men, join us and bring a friend for the Men's Fellowship Brunch in Waith Hall on Saturday, March 1, 2025. 

Registration Deadline: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cost: $10 donation to help cover the cost of the breakfast

The morning will begin around 9:00 AM with coffee and donuts and finish at approximately 11:30 AM. This time together will include a message from Eddy Kuffel, singing led by Raffi and a catered brunch.  

The theme is centered around the disciplines of a Godly man.  Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex or call the office so we know the number who plan to attend.  Join us for a blessed time of fellowship.  

Any questions please call the church office at 716-684-2277.


See the Events page for all Men's Bible Study gatherings.