

sunday morning worship 9:30AM with Livestreaming

Lancaster Presbyterian Church has several ministries available to serve you and your family at every stage of life. There’s something for everyone; we invite you to explore all we are and get connected. Click on a highlighted link of interest below to learn more about each one.

Sunday School - Character education through the teachings of Jesus, with an emphasis on love and forgiveness.

Youth Ministry - Educating youth to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in Him

DaB For Young Adults - Dinner and Bible. For college and career age, single young adults helping them to think about what God has revealed in the Bible and how it affects their lives

Men's Ministry - To provide strategic opportunities that will grow men in our church and share Christ's love in tangible ways in our community.

Women's Ministry - To nurture the hearts of women to know God’s Word and follow faithfully after Christ

Small Groups - Teach and encourage individuals to be active in their personal walks with the Lord, active in relationships with each other, active in group involvement, and active in extending invitations to others.

Missions -Support endeavors, people and resources around the world to introduce lost people to Jesus Christ and to help them become fully devoted followers

Summer Youth Camp -To lift up Jesus Christ, to develop Christian character in young people in a happy and wholesome environment

Vacation Bible School - The purpose is to incorporate themed activities that entertain kids with the chance to learn about God

Adult Education - A time to nurture, grow, and equip adults on their Christian journey following Christ.