The Youth Ministry of Lancaster Presbyterian Church
We want all of our youth to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in Him. We have designed our youth ministry to deepen understanding of the greatness of our God, and to give encouragement in the pursuit of godliness. Check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the youth of Lancaster Presbyterian Church.
Youth ministry has been a thriving part of our church for many years. Coming alongside parents to instill the Gospel, fostering spiritual growth and development and building both peer and mentor relationships with children, youth and teens are the main focuses of our youth ministry. We also desire for youth to build strong Christian friendships among peers to encourage and uphold one another while they grow from children into young adults.
To facilitate spiritual growth and development and guide youth to knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we provide a variety of opportunities including youth groups, Sunday School, service opportunities, retreats, camps, Vacation Bible School and special events.
Introducing our new Youth & Music Director, Raffi Wright!
We wish to welcome to LPC, our new Director of Youth and Music Ministries, Raffi Wright!
Raffi is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music with a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance and Secondary Piano. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity in Worship Leadership at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He has had past successes with a thriving youth ministry for all ages.
We are excited to have Raffi as a part of LPC as he shares his gifts and love for the Lord with us all!
Raffi will be leading our youth ministry as we head into 2025! Please feel free to reach out to him with any questions at
Wednesday Family Night
Our Wednesday Family Night has programs for families and younger children! See below for all the programs being offered!
- 5:30pm - 6:00pm: Pizza and Fellowship - Come for dinner! Only $1 per slice of pizza
- 6:00pm - 7:00pm: Mini Youth Group - PreK 4 year olds to 2nd graders are invited to a time together for activities, games, coloring, stories and singing!
- 6:00pm - 7:00pm: Adult Study Group - Dropping your kid(s) off for Mini Youth Group? Join Pastor Will for a time of discussion on applying the Gospel to parenting. All adults are welcome! Childcare is provided in our nursery.
- 6:00pm - 7:30pm: Kids Youth Group - Open up to 3rd through 6th graders and meeting weekly at the Potters House for games in the gym, a Bible study, crafts & activities and a snack!
youth groups
Youth groups are a way for students to build relationships with peers, while being led by older mature Christians. In this relaxed atmosphere students engage in Bible discussions, games, activities and can just have fun with others around their age! Our groups consist of students from a variety of local school districts including, but not limited to, Lancaster, Depew, Iroquois, Alden, Akron, Clarence, and Hamburg, as well as some students that are home-schooled. Youth are welcome to come at any time! Every student can find a place at youth group.
Junior and Senior High Youth Group (7th-12th Grade)
Saturday Evenings: 5:30pm - 7:30pm (during the school year)Location: LPC Waith Fellowship Hall
Our Junior and Senior High youth group is a dynamic group of 7th-12th grade students that gather weekly to grow in their faith.
Gatherings include: cooking and eating dinner together (sometimes we will do take out!), followed by a Bible discussion & games!
Meetings also include intriguing Bible discussions, encouraging prayer, exciting games, and time to connect with other teens. Special events, service opportunities, evenings of worship through music, off-site activities, and retreats add to the variety of events throughout the year and can be found on our events page.
Teenagers will be guided to discover a deeper relationship with Jesus, along with their peers through music and special lessons provided by our leaders.
The Junior and Senior High leadership team includes both mature young adults as well as more seasoned Christians. These adults have a love for working with and encouraging teens to grow in their faith.
PARENTS! Please complete this information form and give it to one of the youth leaders.
Junior & Senior High Youth Group Permission slip for Special Events
Kids Youth Group (3rd-6th grade)
Wednesday Evenings: 6:00pm-7:30pm (during the school year)
Location: Potters House, 5477 Broadway St. (across from the church)
Coordinator: Becky Young
Our 3rd-6th grade youth group is a fun place for children to develop a relationship with God. This eager group of students gathers weekly to participate in active Bible lessons, prayer time, and energetic games. Crafts, music and special activities interspersed throughout the year keep the group fresh and exciting for all involved. An annual spring retreat is held each year and allows the children a chance to grow their faith in a unique way. Details about special events can be found on our events page.
The students will be encouraged to learn how love is patient, kind, and not easily angered. That love is not envious or boastful, nor is it rude or self-seeking. Students will work to better understand that love does not keep a record of wrongs and that love rejoices in the truth.
The adults that lead this group are full of energy and excitement and have many years sharing the love of Christ with children.
Fun each week includes gym time, crafts, singing and friendships.
Service and Unique Opportunities of Youth
Dates, times and locations of events vary throughout the year
Special retreats, camps and service opportunities throughout the year allow our youth to serve God and strengthen their faith in unique ways.
Middle and High School students have the opportunity to serve God by serving others on our annual Youth Missions Trip. The past few years youth have traveled to serve others in one of our nations poorest counties, located in Kentucky. Our youth leaders also work to get our youth serving our local community of Lancaster/Depew and the surrounding towns as well as in the city of Buffalo through ministries such as Good Neighbors Health Care and the Buffalo City Mission. Students in 7th-12th grade also have the opportunity to serve in various church ministries alongside adults in positions such as childcare assistant, usher, greeter, and Vacation Bible School assistant.
Our yearly Summer Youth Camp is a highlight of the year for many youth that participate. The camp offers a variety of programming for youth that have completed 3rd-8th grades and eligible 9th-12th grade youth can volunteer to be assistant staff members, working with adult staff to allow all involved to grow in relationship with Christ. Head over to our camp page for more details!
Retreats are great opportunities for spiritual growth as well as a time for youth to connect with one another away from every day life. Middle and High school youth generally have the opportunity to attend both winter and spring weekend retreats and 3rd-6th grade youth have a weekend retreat available as well. Students in our Confirmation Class have the opportunity to participate in a weekend wilderness canoe trip to Algonquin Park in Canada each summer. Additional Christian learning opportunities for all youth include Sunday School (all grades) and Vacation Bible School (preschool - 6th grade).
youth education
Sunday School Program
Sunday school has been an active part of Lancaster Presbyterian Church for many years. It is our goal to raise children to know the Lord and for each student that attends to come to know Jesus as his or her personal Savior. Sunday is a chance to grow your Biblical knowledge in a classroom setting. We have weekly Sunday morning classes for infants through adults and every age in between! Small age-level classes teach Biblical basics as well as encourage students to deepen their personal relationship with God. Please visit our Sunday School page to see full details of our Sunday School program.
Confirmation Class is an in-depth class for youth that are serious about making a commitment to declaring God as personal Savior and a serious commitment to learn and study the Word of God. Those that participate in this intense class work toward understanding the fundamentals of the Christian faith and those specific to Evangelical Presbyterian beliefs. Most youth take this class in early high school. Students are guided weekly, during the Sunday School hour, by mature Christian teachers, Ed and Diane Carlsen, as well as by our pastor, and other elders. Students involved in this class work to write a declaration of faith that is presented to our Session each Spring and are encouraged to participate in service opportunities throughout the church under the mentor-ship of various church leaders. The end of Confirmation Class is celebrated in June in a special Sunday service.
summer youth camp
Click here to get all there is to know about Summer Camp.
Vacation Bible School
Click here to get your updated information concerning VBS!